Laboratory energy saving service
We are experts in Research and Teaching Laboratory energy use and CO2 emission reduction, with over 30 years in design, installation, commissioning and safety testing.

What is LESS?
LESS is a service we have developed with our private clients which we are offering to the broader Life Science sector. It is a proven, unique approach, validated in the Life Science sector – to quickly identify poor performing laboratories offering opportunities with easy to access input data We have a detailed list of laboratory specific opportunities which have been successful which we can access.
- Starts with benchmarking a number of “target” laboratory facilities
- Follows toll-gate steps
- Each step is plug & play (these are linked but we can deliver any of the steps independently)
- Circular process – energy monitoring ensures changes are maintained
The benefits
Here’s why LESS is more:
- A low cost service which is quick and easy to use, to save energy and reduce CO2 emission
- Delivered by experts in the industry – who understand laboratories
- Risk free decisions due to toll-gated approach, with guaranteed results
- Identifies significant energy users and big opportunities to save money and reduce CO2
- Aligns with corporate drivers for zero carbon, supports energy management and sustainability stakeholders deliver their targets
- Leverages key data from our data-base of life science laboratories (UK & Europe)
Why us?
Laboratories can use 10-100 times more energy than used by houses, they are SEU (significant energy users) and can be the most energy intensive buildings on campus.
For a small retained fee, we can quickly identify poorly performing laboratory facilities and unlock significant energy savings 10-50%reduction is achievable.
Our toolkit includes some of the best and worst performing labs across the Life Science sector (UK & Europe, HE and private labs), including Swedish lab data (the home of energy efficiency).
Provides a recognized lab performance rating which can be peer reviewed and provide corporate level information, PR, ESG, CSR, stakeholder management and investor relations. Self-funding service based on energy saved.